Healthy Halloween Alternatives
With the weather turning a bit chillier, and the days getting a bit shorter, it is once again time to start thinking about Halloween. This time of...- B.Poole
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Breast Cancer Awareness – the Best Way to Protect Yourself
Breast cancer is a devastating disease that affects thousands of women on an annual basis. While just the thought of this can be extremely scary a...- B.Poole
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Staying Healthy as the Weather Turns Cold
If you are one of the many people who dread the weather turning colder because you always seem to catch a cold or the flu, fear not! You can still...- B.Poole
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The Best Lunches to Make For Your Kids
More than ever before, children need to be careful about what they put into their bodies, and the first place to make changes is lunch. School lun...- B.Poole
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Great Fall Season Foods for Dieting
Fall is a great time to get serious about dieting. With the cooler temperatures, come a variety of fresh fruits, nuts, and veggies that you should...- B.Poole
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Are School Lunches Healthy?
While at first glance school lunches seem to be a healthy option that provides children with a hot lunch for a low cost, in reality they may not be...- B.Poole
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The Advantages of Powdered Protein in Your Diet
Today, it seems as though more and more people are taking part in low carb, high protein diets. Many of these people choose to add powdered prote...- B.Poole
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Where to Take a Healthy Vacation
With more and more people out of work, the economy being a bit uncertain, and bank accounts being tighter than ever before, the idea of ...- B.Poole
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Beating the Heat: Keeping Healthy In High Temperatures
Believe it or not, heat is the number one weather concern that causes the most deaths; even when compared to tornadoes, cold snaps, lightening, hur...- B.Poole
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It’s Not Hard to Eat Right For Summer
Everybody looks forward to summer, especially those that live in areas that get bombarded with snow every winter. Summertime means barbecues, picni...- B.Poole
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