


Bariatric Fusion vs. Bariatric Advantage

Bariatric surgery has become a procedure that continues to grow in popularity for a number of people who are considered morbidly obese.  This proce...

Health Direct Supplements & Who Can Benefit From Them

Health direct supplements are a line of health and nutrition products that have been designed with quality in mind.  These supplements are intended...

Fast Weight Loss: Is There Such a Thing?

Fast weight loss is something that many people have longed to find for years.  People tend to really start their quest for quick weight loss when a...

Keeping Thanksgiving Dinner Healthy

With the changing seasons, and the fall colors starting to appear, thoughts naturally begin to turn toward Thanksgiving.  This one meal often packs...

Ways to Keep Active When It’s Cold Outside

The cold weather often keeps people inside.  When people are kept inside they tend to become a bit lazy, snack a bit more, and spend more time loun...

Curbing Your Appetite With Meal Replacements

You may have come across the phrase meal replacements but may not know exactly what it means, or what is involved in the process.  This type of die...

Nutritional Supplements for Bariatric Surgery Patients

Bariatric surgery has been a life saver for a large number of overweight people all over the world.  While the surgery can help in a number of ways...

What is the Best Weight Loss Diet?

…And is there such a thing? With the hectic pace most people live their lives today, it is becoming more and more common to eat on the run, eat con...

Preparing for the Holiday Season Weight Gain

The weather has turned colder.  The decorations are starting to appear.  The hustle and bustle of shoppers begins to pick up.  There are wonderful ...

Benefits of Protein Bars and Shakes

With the growing healthy living trend, more and more people are becoming focused on their personal level of fitness as well as their body image.  A...