
June Slim-Down Challenge: Day 30 – June 30, 2014


You did it!!! The last day of our June Slim-Down Challenge has arrived!! Even though it is the last day of the challenge, it’s still a Monday, and that means “Meal Replacement Monday”!

Source: www.nashuanutritionr.com

We are sure you know the drill by now, but here is the recap. Choose one meal from your day and replace it with a meal replacement shake or bar. This will make sure you get the protein and good carbohydrates your body needs, while avoiding all the excess other less healthy foods may have. As with our other “meal replacement Monday” we will also be getting some exercise in to make sure to take full advantage of that healthier meal! For our final day, we have upped the walk/jog from 25 to 30 minutes. Give it that last push! All you have to do is complete today’s challenge and you will have successfully completed our Slim-Down Challenge!

Congratulations!! If you want to download the challenge calendar to review what you have accomplished, you can click here>>>Nashua Nutrition June Slim-Down Challenge

The post June Slim-Down Challenge: Day 30 – June 30, 2014 appeared first on Nashua Nutrition Blog.

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  • Jenna