
Food Myths That Drain Your Energy

Food Myths That Drain Your Energy

A healthy diet is necessary for people that want to stay fit and have enough energy to get through their daily routine. You may be doing all things right, but there is still the chance that you don’t have sufficient energy to fulfill your responsibilities. You are sleeping on time, eating right and even working out, yet, you don’t have energy. What could be the problem?

It might be due to some food myths you believe in. People make mistakes when deciding what they want to eat after reading about some common myths. They don’t realize that the very myths might be draining their energy. Here are some food myths that drain your energy:

1.    Obsessing Over Carbohydrates

Among the most common food myths is obsessing over carbohydrates. People focus on avoiding carbs and forget what foods they should be replacing the carbs with. Fruits and vegetables are healthy foods you should be eating, but you shouldn’t forget about eating healthy proteins. Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. You need to eat a sufficient amount of protein to maintain your energy levels. Proteins such as lean meats, eggs and raw nuts are essential. You need to consume them in sufficient quantities to gain energy.

2.    Eating Infrequently

Eating infrequently can cause laziness – a factor that contributes to your energy draining. Avoid skipping meals as doing so can contribute to stress causing your blood sugar level drops, making you feel exhausted and burned out. So, it is vital for you to keep a healthy eating routine. Don’t skip breakfast and have small meals throughout the day.

3.    Excessive Sugar

Sugar is stored as fat in your body. Avoid eating excessive sugar as it can lead to your blood pressure spiking up and then crashing, causing a major drop in your energy level. Develop a habit of reading product labels and descriptions, as products that claim to be “fat-free” usually contain more sugar.  There are snack brands like Healthsmart that have satisfying products with little to no sugar.

4.    Food Sensitivities

Many people think that food sensitivity is different from food allergies. If you haven’t been diagnosed with a disease or allergy, this doesn’t mean it is safe to eat everything. If you eat a food your body is sensitive or allergic too, you will experience symptoms ranging from bloated lips to joint pains to nausea.

So, now that you are familiar with these four food myths, make it a point to ignore them. You can visit nashuanutritionr.com for more information.

The post Food Myths That Drain Your Energy appeared first on Nashua Nutrition Blog.

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